
The 3 Keys to Create Shareable Content

Social Media is an ever changing landscape. With new trends coming and going, it can surely be intimidating to navigate and keep a track of the do’s and don’ts. But there is no need to fret, for all social media practices are a display of human psychology. So as long as you understand how the human mind works, you can ace the social media game.


Humans have an intrinsic desire to share details of their lives, it gives them a sense of achievement. Your content needs to create the same feeling, triggering motivation to share it. The 3 points to consider while creating content are;


  • Entertain as You Educate – While it is tempting to create intellectually superior content that screams ‘Know it All’ let’s face it, most people would scroll past something like that, without even giving it a second thought. Content that creates high-arousal emotions such as happiness, excitement, delight, awe, surprise is usually liked more than the one which doesn’t do so.


By putting up educational content that has elements of amusement and excitement you can ideally capture the target audience’s attention and ensure that the information presented is memorable and impactful. This approach works across various content formats, from videos and infographics to articles and social media posts. 


Additionally, visual elements, such as animations, illustrations, or eye-catching graphics, can further enhance the appeal and make the content easily shareable.


This way a stronger emotional connection between the content creator and the audience is created. When people enjoy and appreciate the content, they are more likely to develop a sense of loyalty and trust towards the brand or individual behind it, leading to increased brand advocacy and long-term audience engagement.


  • Connect With Your Audience’s Pain Points – Your audience’s points represent the challenges, frustrations, and problems that they face in their daily lives concerning matters within their specific industry. By identifying and empathizing with these pain points, you can develop content that directly addresses these issues, offering valuable solutions and building a strong emotional connection with their audience. 


Use real-life examples and case studies to demonstrate how others have successfully tackled similar issues. Additionally, storytelling can be a powerful tool in connecting with your audience and their experiences. Narratives that evoke emotions and demonstrate empathy can help your audience feel understood and supported. 


When your content resonates with consumers on an emotional level, it becomes more shareable and can lead to increased brand loyalty. Narratives that evoke emotions and demonstrate empathy can help your audience feel a strong bond with your business. When your content resonates on such a deep level with audiences, it becomes more shareable and can lead to increased brand loyalty.


  • What pleases the eye, pleases the heart – While compelling copy and valuable information are essential, the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ couldn’t be more relevant. In the realm of content creation, design is truly king. Striking visuals, color schemes that evoke emotion, and a layout that guides the eye are all elements that can make content more share-worthy. 


Moreover, interactive design elements elevate content to another level of shareability. Whether it’s a quiz, a clickable map, or a dynamic animation, interactive elements create an immersive experience that users are eager to share with their peers. Interactivity sparks curiosity and fosters engagement, turning passive viewers into active participants in the content. 


Visual storytelling is another aspect where design reigns supreme. Humans are hardwired to respond to stories, and when combined with captivating visuals, narratives become unforgettable. The virality of visually striking posts can rapidly amplify brand reach and recognition.


Aesthetics that align with the audience’s interests are more likely to resonate and prompt sharing. Additionally, maintaining consistency in design elements across a brand’s content helps in establishing a recognizable identity, which fosters trust and encourages sharing.


Wrapping up the Discussion


While every group of people reacts differently to various forms of content, relatability, entertainment, and design, are three factors that remain important no matter what. By leveraging the power of correctly using your strengths while creating content, you can always be an audience favorite.

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